Now and then I ask myself WHO AM I and WHY AM I,and the answer becomes egotistical ME ever proud of WHAT I AM, the material thing i have collected and knowledge i have acquired so far, I tell myself I AM VERY SIGNIFICANT INDEED. BUT when I realise that i am not the only one in my family, my SIGNIFICANCE is slightly reduced. For example in my family we are 7 and that reduces my significance even further.
As I live in the community of hundred thousand people my significance becomes even less just one out of hundred thousands, and if i factor in the city and the country population i get confused to understand What is my Purpose, WHY AM I ME. Then it hits me that if factor in the world population my significance becomes just one in six billion. if i put in all living creatures on earth my significance becomes less than a pixel on the largest screen.
Then I look out into the blue yonder and find that i leave in a galaxy of more than 200 billion suns, that reduces my signifance even more and to realise that there are more than hundrends billions of galaxies my significance becomes less than a grain of sand in all grains of sand on earth.
Then I look back and I say to myself there must be a very SIGNIFICANT reason for me to BE who I AM. The reason must be bigger than the size of galaxies put together to make my INSIGNIFICANT very SIGNIFICANT. I realise that everything else but Me follows LAWS of Physics or Nature to the letter but I HAVE A CHOICE. I can Think, I can move mountains if i want to, i can fly as far as I could into the universe, I can rearrange Nature, I can destroy species and rearrange them and disrupt the order of Natural processes I can and most of the time i am trying to even destroy the very foundation that make me SIGNIFICANT. SO Who Am I, I AM STUPID, FEABLE,IGNORANT and ARROGANT HUMAN BEING FOR NOT REALISING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BEING INSIGNIFICANT.