Thursday, 20 January 2011

Band of Influence theory Part 2

So after categorising objects as Fermions or Bosons, this give a rise to question why is it objects have to be either of the two? The idea that laws of nature choose whether you become a Fermion or a Boson can not be far from truth.

On observations from the tiny electron going around a nucleus to the star like our sun and its planets going around it to our planet and its moon. Everything is connected in one way or another and the vast expanses of universe are also connected. This allows me to say there is a connection from the tiniest of atoms and their contents to the biggest objects in the universe to the universe itself and if there are other universes then all are connected.

The big question is how? My answer is connection through the bands of influences(energy). if we look at the atom we know that electrons occupy a certain (precise) energy levels and there are several bands of these energies. We can observe these bands more clearly when we create a quantum box (quantum well) where we can see that electrons will contain certain energy levels (using solutions to Shrodinger's equations) and there is a band of energy that these electrons will not dare to settle.. So Why can't they occupy anywhere they want?

if we go look at the solar system we see that planets have to orbit on well defined paths of which are critical to their presence. We all know about gravity and there are mathematical formula to describe that relationship between the sun and the planets. so the question again is why can't earth occupy any other path than this orbit.

Trivial example is why you(if you are Male) won't like it when another male come closer to your face (if you are fermion)..and that you need a personal space..where you feel comfortable for others to have heard of space invaders is not for nothing it is all physics...just think about it..

This will continue next time...

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