Billions of years ago, the universe was no more than one entity of singularity. Then KABOOOOOOOOOM it exploded into smitherinies according to some big bang theory... anyway who am i to say it did not happen when all Astro-Physics evidence shows it happen that way. I agree with some difficult questions that gives me headache every time i think about plausible explanations.
Soon after the big KABOOOOOOOOM single atoms of hydrogen started forming and the force of the explosion proppelled these gaseous atoms in all directions. Some kind of force (some suggested that it is the gravity) forced these atoms to aggregate and the process is known as accretion. (I think is another type of phenomenon and not gravity, at this point gravity was almost insignificant to pull atoms together)
These atoms kept on assembling and the "force" kept on forcing them closer together until nuclear fusion started to take place. from single hydrogen atoms everything formed. hydrogen fused and make more heavier atoms and heavier they became the bigger the object grew until it became a huge star a nuclear fusion reactor...
Then when the STAR goes Kaboooom tooo thats when the remnants form another star much smaller that previous and planets start forming from the left over materials. As time goes by these planets inhabit special orbits around the SUN which is the star and if the planet reaches a certain weight it too can force the left overs to form moon or moons that will be orbiting the planet.
I once suggested the existence of "bands of influence" on every object in this universe. One can observe this by looking at the influence of moon on earth and the influence of other bigger planets on small planets.
I am intending to explain my theory of the "bands of influence" in more details in the near future. Going back to KABOOM theory those particles from the explosions are the materials that made you and me and everything you see or not see. So you and I are part of the old hydrogen atoms that made the star. Thats why your body is made of Hydrogen, Carbon, Iron, Copper, some traces of Gold, Zinc, Calcium, and everything you don't know.....
A question to you..why sphere is the favourite shape in the universe?
Nice explanation, i like. Your question is tricky and challenging. My answer, i think, it's our "planted imagination" of the universe that makes us think of the universe as a sphere and not a box, pyramid etc.. I mean, from the days of discovery (Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton..) we have been made to think and imagine of the whole universe as a sphere. That's how i see it, i could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteOn the other note, modern physics has changed our perception on the shape of the universe. The String theory (if it's a theory per se) for instance has revolutionized our thinking of a "universe" to "multi-verses".
I can't wait to read your theory of "bands of influence".
P.S: I've not majored in Quantum Physics and there are greater chances I could be wrong somewhere. Please correct and enlighten me where i am wrong.