Nano technology is the new envelop pusher for the existing advanced technologies. BASICALLY it is a technology that utilise the dimensions of individual atoms. its potentials are endless most are very useful and some very dangerous indeed. Applications ranging from medical to weaponry.
Yeah i vividly remember when i put on a graduation gown and the emcee called out my name for me to proceed and receive my degree certificate in Nanotechnology from the Chancellor who initiated as small talk as to what i was going to do with this knowledge, it downed on me that where I am from even the word NANO does not exist.
The technology that has led billions of dollars being invested by super rich countries seems to be invisible as it its nature suggest to African Universities i spare my thought on our political nearndathals.
This technology will make African produce obsolete as raw material. This technology which revolutionise the global trades and make poor countries even poorer has not registered in the mind of most third world intellectuals.
What am saying is instead of developed countries buying 100kg of cotton using NANOTECHNOLOGY they will only need 1kg. So the question is poor people of the world what are you going to do with 99Kg of your back breaking labour when you have not grasped the current manual technology?
Am sure you will be asking so what did you do.....I TRIED yes i tried to arrange some way for me to give a talk in one of the "prominent" university in east africa (UDSM) but they never replied...so hopefully someone will read this and spread the word that we should fully engage ourselves in new technologies to know their impact on our very life and the lives of our future generations......
Interesting stuff.. I didn't know this was the impact of NANO. I will read more on it. It scares me knowing very few people who actually know what NANO is in this place. You have done your part..