After a long period of sleepless nights and very tiring long hours, the work is 80% done.. the thesis is submitted and hopefully will come back with positive review. This signify the importance of the journey i started 3 years ago...i can happily say i am almost there. Definitely i know that i belong to quantum physics and i will take all efforts within my power to use the knowledge for the benefit of my people. Even though Africa has not acknowledge my presence but i am sure that i belong to the group of few who should stand and rise with Africa in technological advances. through my presentation of my work in different continents i noticed that handful of people are of African origin in these advanced science international conferences. it does not mean that Africa does not have universities pursuing advanced technologies rather their participation is almost unknown. Next job for me will be pionering the activation of African intelectuals to fully participate in the global community of advanced science.....
This blog is aimed at those interested in quantum physics, astro-physics, solid state physics, Semiconductor physics, nano-technology and science in general. This blog aims to create interesting media for african students to these fields of science.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Reflection on past years
I should Thank Almighty God for all opportunities and missed-opportunities that came my way over the past years. for sure nothing happens in this world or this universe without a reason.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Amazing Bugs and their complex structures

Images I took using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), showing a bug with silvery looking hair which amazingly the colour is structural and not pigment as your eyes could suggest and the focused image showing many lenses in the eye of the bug. one eye could contain hundreds of the small 25 micron wide hexagonal shaped lenses, that serve both for sight and camouflage as the facets have anti-reflection properties. so next time before you swat a fly think how complex it is and what we could benefit from understanding their structures.
Friday, 9 September 2011
KTA (Knowledge Transfer Account)..
Thank God, I am almost there...I have been busy writing up my three years in PhD life...I thank God for blessing me with a job before i submit my thesis..I will be working as Research Fellow for knowledge transfer between the University and one of the leading companies in 3D technologies. enhancement of 3D stereoscopic for real life application is now my is all about circularly polarised light and little bit of brain manipulation.....
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
The secrets of Wet Etching on III-V Semiconductor materials

Wet etching is a fine tuned art of removing layers of materials from substrates or devices when milling using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is not an option.
When FIB is used to make trenches on a laser device, some of the Gallium (Ga) ions are deposited on the face of trenches as the depth of milling is increased. This can compromise the characteristics of the device such that you may turn a diode into a resistor.
To remove the deposition of unwanted debris from the side walls of your trenches wet etch can be very useful. Timing in wet etching is everything otherwise you might end up losing the whole device.
Pictures taken using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) are showing the effect of wet etch before and after the process. Cleaner surfaces can be seen after wet etching.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Success on Gain Measurements
For a couple of months i have been working on a project to develop new method to measure laser gain. i am happy to announce that i have been successful and the method out for papers that will be published soon on American Physics Letters (APL) or Journal of Quantum electronics (JQE).....
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
The Formation of Galaxies and Invisible Energy that Expand the Universe
I have observed most fascinating phenomenon of how the early galaxies came to be and how important is the expansion of the universe and saw horrible end of it. I will be recording this simple experiment to demonstrate how the early galaxies formed and show why they are flat (wafer thin) and how we all depend on the expansion of the universe for our very existence. I observed that for this universe to be what it is, factors which had to be precise were responsible and not random flactuation of conditions in time and space as many tend to base their arguments.
We know that universe is expanding but we are not clear how and what causes its expansion but one thing is sure without this expansion we would not have existed because soon after Big Bang everything would have clumped together form one massive structure which in short time would have reduced to singularity and hence no universe no solar system no earth and no people.
One scary thing is if this expansion force or energy is removed the folding up of the universe to singularity would be of sudden for this expansive entity it is the time and space controller..
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Kramers Kronig Dispersion Relations and MZ Modulator
Wavelength detuning in MZ modulator is important parameter as the change in Index of Refraction depend on absorption coefficient change alpha. The larger detuning leads to larger loss due to alpha change from Kramers Kronig Relation. If the absorption peak is situated further away from operating wavelength, the change of refractive index is small and hence need larger voltage for sufficient pi phase shift. We can use absorption measurements and Reflectance measurements to calculate the real part of refractive index and the phase. this will enable us to find optimum parameters for the devices.Refractive Index change is highly polarised due to its dependence on change in Alpha which is the transition between electron state E1 and heavy holes state HH1 tends to be TE polarised. The change in refractive index is due both QCSE and Pockels effect even though Pockels effect is in the order of magnitude smaller compared to QCSE effect nonetheless not negligible when the detuning is much larger than 160nm.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Electro-absorption vs Mach-Zehnder Modulators
Probably, i have already talked about modulators, as the speed and bandwidth drives the technology ever forward i will just introduce two types of modulators used in optic networks. Electro-absorption modulators exploit the properties of materials under the influence of electric field to modulate the light carrying signals by absorption.
This type of modulators have a drawback for having a limit to how fast you can modulate light due to material properties especially the incumbent InGaAsP where valence band offset limit the depletion of holes.
Mach-Zehnder modulators uses intensity modulation where by a pi phase change between the path length leads to modulation of light. We can also use the QCSE effect to improve the Mach-Zehnder by reducing Voltage needed to change phase to pi we can use Kramers-Kronig relation to calculate the effect of absorption coefficient change on refractive index.
This type of modulators have a drawback for having a limit to how fast you can modulate light due to material properties especially the incumbent InGaAsP where valence band offset limit the depletion of holes.
Mach-Zehnder modulators uses intensity modulation where by a pi phase change between the path length leads to modulation of light. We can also use the QCSE effect to improve the Mach-Zehnder by reducing Voltage needed to change phase to pi we can use Kramers-Kronig relation to calculate the effect of absorption coefficient change on refractive index.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Back to Uni with tales from Caswell

As i pack my belongings for my journey back to University after 3 Months of placement at work i feel overcomed by sheer joy of achieving my goals at Caswell.
I know I will miss cycling back and forth to work through beautiful countryside scenery, I believe the images of farms are vividly emblazoned in my mind. I bade good bye to my adopted team of beautiful people and head for the train station at Milton Keynes. The birds who without fail woke me up early in the morning with their sweetest songs will be servely missed and whiff of manure that permiated the air as i cycle through narrow roads on the hills will be remembered always.
the hope that experience gained at Oclaro is weighs heavily in my mind on how to translate my knowledge into sustainable means of income.
I am glad i saw the other side of real world application of my academic knowledge.
Now i am looking forward to wrap up and finish my studies (GW). Surrey here i come......
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
InGaAsP versus InGaAlAs

Most of semiconductor devices used in optical communication networks are made of InGaAsP material. It has since became obvious that devices made of InGaAsP have lower performance due to high thermal sensitivies of this material. Huge effort to find material that will replace the incumbent InGaAsP has been deployed.
Thermal sensitivity of InGaAsP is written in its band structure. It has smaller conduction band-offset allowing thermally activated carriers to escape easily into barriers, and larger valence band offset inhibiting quick carrier emptying. There are many suitable candidates one of them being InGaAlAs which have larger conduction band offset and smaller valence band offset compared to InGaAsP. The race to depose the incumbent InGaAsP is on with new exotic materials such as dilute Nitrides, Bismides and many more...
Friday, 27 May 2011
A Trip to Natural History Museum in New York

As the Snow mountains melt in New York, i headed for the Natural History Museum from Columbus Avenue, just as stone throw to the museum. Large crowd amassed outside ready to get in..People from different nations and ages gathered outside in the morning chill from very cold breeze blowing from the Central Park across the road.
"How Much is the fee to get in", i asked the lady in uniform at the reception desk.
"Well the entry is by donation you can pay any amount but preferred amount is this much for adults and this much for kids".
I pulled out 10 bucks and she asked "how much you want pay", I felt that was enough for everything i was about to see in this vast building with vast collection of different artefacts..the hours came and went while i was gazing at amazing exhibits and never felt the urge to go back to the Broadway Street.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Photocurrent Measurement of Quantum Well Device
We can obtain information about the device structure using photocurrent measurements. As the word photocurrent suggest the measurement involves the use of light to excite electrons for valence band to conduction band by absorption of photons by the electrons. As absorption in semiconductor is determined by the density of photons, density of electrons in valence band and density of empty states in conduction band. if the incident photon has energy larger than bandgap, electron absorbing it will be excited to the conduction band and this is current generation and can be detected using very sensitive equipment such as lock-in amplifier in my case SR830. if we run negative bias across the device the amount of photons with lower energies absorbed increases. Therefore we can determine the bandedge and hence use this feature in Modulators. It is interesting to observe an absorption peak just below the bandedge due to the presence of excitons. The presence of excitons is important feature for Modulators exploiting Quantum Confined Stark Effect.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Finally I get what i was looking for
Photocurrent Measurement can be seen as easiest of experiments to do..i beg to differ especially when dealing with lots of unknowns such as devices which have defects. You will spend days probing but you won't get what you are looking for...But perserverance pays big time.. i have never seen beautiful spectrum like the one i saw today.. I can see excitonic states at work, excitation between energy levels in quantum well as well as the barrier today is exciting day for me...i can see electrons in the valence band gobbling up incoming photons and get very excited such that they jump over the band gap (that is absorption). while sending in photons of increasing energy (from higher wavelength (low energy) to lower wavelength (higher energy)), electrons get busy absorbing incoming photons and jump to create photo-induced current.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Why trees are Mostly Green and many other colours

Everywhere you go you will find variety of colours on tree leaves. Majority being Green but some are yellow, and many other fantastic colours. I remember my science teacher in primary school telling me that they use that colour to capture the energy from the sun for photosynthesis...Was she right? Dear readers this is my question to you i have alternative explanation but will want to hear from you first..
Monday, 16 May 2011
The Collapse of Heinsenberg Uncertainty Principle

Heinsenberg postulated that we can never measure two entities time and space simultenously. This principle has withstood many scientific tests and it testifies the motion of electrons being randomness such that we can never for sure point the specific position electron in specific time. Many experiments have been performed and failed to dissaprove the claim.
My thought in this principle is that we need to observe the electrons at electron's perspective. if we slow down time twice that of scattering time we should be able to observe the influence of the electron's sorroundings on it. It is analogous to a ball moving slowly along a field with dips and bumps that will determine the ball's path. We should be able to calculate exact position of the ball at a given time as we know the attributes of the ball and its environment.
But we have to factor in the influence of other electrons on this particular electron as it travels on its path. Basically it is like observing the planets when they come closer to each other the interaction has dramatic consequences on their paths even though they are not touching but their gravity and other forces play a huge dangerous game of pull and push and we can measure their position and time if we know all attributes of the interacting planets.
so I conclude with prediction that sooner or later we would be able to measure time and space simultenously and that will give us unimaginable control in creating the best performing devices.
My thought in this principle is that we need to observe the electrons at electron's perspective. if we slow down time twice that of scattering time we should be able to observe the influence of the electron's sorroundings on it. It is analogous to a ball moving slowly along a field with dips and bumps that will determine the ball's path. We should be able to calculate exact position of the ball at a given time as we know the attributes of the ball and its environment.
But we have to factor in the influence of other electrons on this particular electron as it travels on its path. Basically it is like observing the planets when they come closer to each other the interaction has dramatic consequences on their paths even though they are not touching but their gravity and other forces play a huge dangerous game of pull and push and we can measure their position and time if we know all attributes of the interacting planets.
so I conclude with prediction that sooner or later we would be able to measure time and space simultenously and that will give us unimaginable control in creating the best performing devices.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Significance of Being Insignificant

Now and then I ask myself WHO AM I and WHY AM I,and the answer becomes egotistical ME ever proud of WHAT I AM, the material thing i have collected and knowledge i have acquired so far, I tell myself I AM VERY SIGNIFICANT INDEED. BUT when I realise that i am not the only one in my family, my SIGNIFICANCE is slightly reduced. For example in my family we are 7 and that reduces my significance even further.
As I live in the community of hundred thousand people my significance becomes even less just one out of hundred thousands, and if i factor in the city and the country population i get confused to understand What is my Purpose, WHY AM I ME. Then it hits me that if factor in the world population my significance becomes just one in six billion. if i put in all living creatures on earth my significance becomes less than a pixel on the largest screen.
Then I look out into the blue yonder and find that i leave in a galaxy of more than 200 billion suns, that reduces my signifance even more and to realise that there are more than hundrends billions of galaxies my significance becomes less than a grain of sand in all grains of sand on earth.
Then I look back and I say to myself there must be a very SIGNIFICANT reason for me to BE who I AM. The reason must be bigger than the size of galaxies put together to make my INSIGNIFICANT very SIGNIFICANT. I realise that everything else but Me follows LAWS of Physics or Nature to the letter but I HAVE A CHOICE. I can Think, I can move mountains if i want to, i can fly as far as I could into the universe, I can rearrange Nature, I can destroy species and rearrange them and disrupt the order of Natural processes I can and most of the time i am trying to even destroy the very foundation that make me SIGNIFICANT. SO Who Am I, I AM STUPID, FEABLE,IGNORANT and ARROGANT HUMAN BEING FOR NOT REALISING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BEING INSIGNIFICANT.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Quantum Confined Stark Effect on Semiconductor devices

Quantum Confined Stark Effect can be observed in Quantum Wells due to the presence of excitonic states in the bandgap of the semiconductor structure which enhance the absorption of photons with energy lower than that of bandgap. This effect is useful in devices that uses changes induced by electroptic effects to operate. devices such as absorption modulators and even those refractive modulators benefit from QCSE effect. excitons exist in bulk semiconductor devices at very low temperature, but if you increase confinement by introducing quantum well structure excitons can exist even above room temperature. by the way excitons are electron-hole bound state which tends to lower the band energy. In Mach-Zehnder modulators the passive waveguide can incorporate QWs to enhance their refractive index change due to electro-optic effects...using materials with larger conduction band offset and smaller valence band offset one can achieve higher modulation speed and bandwidth.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
The Arrow of Time and Tick-Tock Gene

Time is embedded in the fabric of laws of physics that governs everything in the Universe. Time is the main driver of all changes that happens in the universe. Time can be faster or slower it all depend on your perception of time. Time magnitude is different to different objects. Time depend on how fast or slow you can perceive it. If we measure time we find many fascinating facts.
For an example time it takes for a herbivorous animal to stand and run after birth is less than 5 minutes and time for the same activity by carnivorous animal is about a week and for humans is about a year and even more. So you can ask yourself why, and have many answers and questions too.
The arrow of Time pushes everything in the universe to keep on changing. Thats why Time is also embedded in our genes. I call this gene Tick-Tock gene. This gene is the one that sets and control all changes that need time management. This gene is the one that decides everything on what happens when. So for those who wants to stay young forever they have bigger battle against the clock that is ever going forward and governs changes accordingly.
One fascinating fact is that every month a human body receive new skin, but this new skin is made up of cells which by the control of TICK-TOCK gene they are new but Old according to the TIME (your age).
If this gene is ever isolated would we be able to slow it down or program it to the way we want? These are the billion dollar QUESTIONS.
So time is very interesting when it appears to run faster when you have a deadline and very slow when you are waiting for something to happen.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
More on Big Bang Theory

So now we know that you and I and everything that your eyes can see and not be able to see are made of remnants of a dying star. This means we are made of a STAR. So as you walk along do not feel insignificant you are part of that STAR. (even religous texts support this)
As to what i thought about the beginning of that STAR, well is that there are two forces more like push and pull forces and these forces are the origin of the gravity force. When this two forces pushed and pulled together the materials thrown out of the BIG BANG, the material accreateated into minute vorteces which in turn increased the impact of the force pushing material ever closer to each other. As they got ever closer the heat became immense and glued these material together to form protons.
Therefore for more complex structures to form (atoms) the force pushing together had to be even higher than that, so any complex atom had to form as the star was being born. As protons formed their ever increasing number had to increase activities of these two forces (push and pull). Heat and Cold states of the space must have had huge impact in gathering these protons and form vortex or vorteces (BLACK HOLE) which brought them closer to form STAR structure.
The power of vortex (BLACK HOLE) amplified gravity forces to pull all these single proton atoms(HYDROGEN) together and in doing so increased temperature and that accelerated the whole action and in my mind the STARS have a very violent birth due to increased temperature difference between the center of the star birth point and its sorrounding and hence pull more atoms and once the point of nuclear fusion state is reached, the STAR become voracious feeder of the sorrounding atoms (HYDROGEN) and start shinning ever bright.
As to what i thought about the beginning of that STAR, well is that there are two forces more like push and pull forces and these forces are the origin of the gravity force. When this two forces pushed and pulled together the materials thrown out of the BIG BANG, the material accreateated into minute vorteces which in turn increased the impact of the force pushing material ever closer to each other. As they got ever closer the heat became immense and glued these material together to form protons.
Therefore for more complex structures to form (atoms) the force pushing together had to be even higher than that, so any complex atom had to form as the star was being born. As protons formed their ever increasing number had to increase activities of these two forces (push and pull). Heat and Cold states of the space must have had huge impact in gathering these protons and form vortex or vorteces (BLACK HOLE) which brought them closer to form STAR structure.
The power of vortex (BLACK HOLE) amplified gravity forces to pull all these single proton atoms(HYDROGEN) together and in doing so increased temperature and that accelerated the whole action and in my mind the STARS have a very violent birth due to increased temperature difference between the center of the star birth point and its sorrounding and hence pull more atoms and once the point of nuclear fusion state is reached, the STAR become voracious feeder of the sorrounding atoms (HYDROGEN) and start shinning ever bright.
Monday, 14 March 2011
The Beginning of Everything (Big Bang Theory)
Last night i had a pleasure to watch a program called "Wonders of Universe" presented by Prof. Brian Cox, it awakened my thoughts on the Origin of everything..I remember last year i was talking to my Prof. and i had spent two nights thinking about how the universe came to be.
This kind of thinking is not new to me as i remember when i was very young walking in the moon-lit streets back in Africa whenever the sky was clear and stars were shining so bright i thought about why am i a human and where did we came from and what would have been of us if we were not humans and if there was no earth. Whenever i reached that point of asking myself what would have been if there was no earth my head would hurt and i would stop thinking. That was before i finished primary school.
I was thinking about the fact that all 92 elements that we know and believe that the entire universe is made of were actually originated from single hydrogen atom. I also think that there are seven more elements yet to be discovered. My question to myself was where did that Hydrogen atom came from and how it came to be.
we all know that the single hydrogen atom consist of one proton.. so how did proton came to be? i had answers and yesterday's program confirmed i was right!! more to come!!!
This kind of thinking is not new to me as i remember when i was very young walking in the moon-lit streets back in Africa whenever the sky was clear and stars were shining so bright i thought about why am i a human and where did we came from and what would have been of us if we were not humans and if there was no earth. Whenever i reached that point of asking myself what would have been if there was no earth my head would hurt and i would stop thinking. That was before i finished primary school.
I was thinking about the fact that all 92 elements that we know and believe that the entire universe is made of were actually originated from single hydrogen atom. I also think that there are seven more elements yet to be discovered. My question to myself was where did that Hydrogen atom came from and how it came to be.
we all know that the single hydrogen atom consist of one proton.. so how did proton came to be? i had answers and yesterday's program confirmed i was right!! more to come!!!
Placement at Oclaro
Lastly i have managed to get to Caswell where a company called Oclaro is based. i will be here for 3 months working placement. I will be working on Mach-Zehnder modulators..trying to figure out ways to reduce/eliminate one of the problematic characteristics affecting the devices. This menace is called frequency is caused by light carrying a signal travelling at different speed in the optical fiber such that the trailing edge arrive earlier or later than expected. This causes the signal to degenerate and limit transmission distance before you need a that is the challenge.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
The Power of Labview

I have been quite for sometime, and for a reason. i was wrestling some time consuming experiments, where i had to be in attendance to change currents on two Keathley CW power supplies. my experiment involved pumping two isolated sections of Quantum dot laser using two power sources. so manually changing current on one section and then scan wavelength on Optical spectrum Analyser (OSA), then typing the name of the file which has to show what section had what current for that scan was labour intensive until i met is graphical programming language which at first glance a program may look like a spagheti dish.
But my programming skills finally came to the rescue and after a day of writing code, i was able to have a perfect program that had rendered me redundant from participating in my own experiment. YES the program does everything i tell ya, from switching the equipments on and off to perform loops that would have taken me a week to finish, and save the files conviniently into a folder with properly formated names.
Now all i can do is to wait for it to finish all experiments then i will take over to do analysis, am thinkin should i write a software that does the analysis for me and post me results (good idea but it my give my supervisor the opportunity to make me permanently redundant)...(DID YOU KNOW THAT GOD IS ALSO A PROGRAMMER)..just think about it!!!!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Museum of Natural History New York
Long time ago i had an opportunity to visit the Museum of Natural Histoy in New York, and i was suprised by the number of visitors. People from all over the world congregated at the entrance as well as school children of all ages from kindergarten to university.
The access to the museum is was the main reason why people flocked there, it is easy you get there and you choose how much you want to pay for you to enter the museum. they have suggested fee but you can pay whatever. For me suggested fee was 12 dollars but you can pay even one dollar and get entrance ticket..
We have museums too in africa and surely will represent the history better than the foreign museum but where is the publicity to attract people and why is it expensive to get access to the museums in africa...
It is a shame that one has to travel accross the world to learn their own history because we have sold all artefacts to foreign museums..
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Science in Africa?
Science is the backbone of human development..all developed countries rely on their universities to maintain,develop, invent new technologies that make life easier and better and bring about huge economic growth. I don't know the purpose of universities in most of African countries!! it is frustrating and dissapointing!! When will we wake up and face the reality?
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Gain Measurements using Multi-section device
Finally i have been able to measure Absorption of light using two sections of LASER device, by pumping sections independently and measure light intensity spectrum using OSA. Also by varying the pumping stripe length i am able to determine the gain of the device. It has been a rollercoaster weekend trying to make sense of all these measurements and apply Beer-Lambert Law to see the absorption spectrum..(aligning optical fiber to 350 micron facet is not trivial...)
Friday, 4 February 2011
Sound does not travel through Vacuum for a Reason
Imagine if sound was able to travel through vacuum..the sound of the SUN explosions would have been catastrophy to the neighbouring planets including the Earth. So was the BIG BANG a quite event? I wonder!!!
Friday, 28 January 2011
Bandgap Theory and Quantum dots LASER
I have worked on quantum dots lasers grown by Phillip Poole and Pedro of Canada Research Council (NRC) in Ottawa to determine their operating characteristics using temperature and high hydrostatic pressure.
Temperature measurements help us to determine how the device inner workings cope with temperature. by the way my PhD research is aimed at finding ways to make semiconductor LASER devices temperature insensitive. Most of LASER devices in the market suffer from temperature dependence and hence require very expensive cooling systems. Meaning as temperature increase the performance of the devices decrease dramatically.
This effect can be seen by an increase in threshold current due to increase in Non-radiative recombinations of the carriers in the active medium. Ideally we should have only radiative recombinations which will be a result of injected photons exciting electrons to higher level and these excited electrons to release a photon on their way down to lower energy levels and hence perfect laser.
Sadly at room temperature the dominant process is non-radiative recombination named Auger recombination process which is thermally activated. this process is a major source of loss as the photon from de-excited electron is given to a third carrier which is turn excited further into higher level or vacuum. at room temperature radiative recombination could account to approx 6 percent of all threshold current. the rest is to just counter the effect of Auger at room temperature in devices i worked on.
Pressure measurement involves squeezing the device in high pressure about 10kbar, this is equivalent of standing five grown African Elephants on a 1 cm square area. this allows one to change the interatomic spacing between the atoms in the crystal lattice. In doing so the band gap changes as you increase pressure the band gap is increased in most four-five semiconductor devices.
more information can be found in my paper published by American Physics Letters (APL) in October 2010 title of the paper is Efficiency Limiting Processes in 1.55 micron InAs/InP-Based Quantum Dots Lasers.
Temperature measurements help us to determine how the device inner workings cope with temperature. by the way my PhD research is aimed at finding ways to make semiconductor LASER devices temperature insensitive. Most of LASER devices in the market suffer from temperature dependence and hence require very expensive cooling systems. Meaning as temperature increase the performance of the devices decrease dramatically.
This effect can be seen by an increase in threshold current due to increase in Non-radiative recombinations of the carriers in the active medium. Ideally we should have only radiative recombinations which will be a result of injected photons exciting electrons to higher level and these excited electrons to release a photon on their way down to lower energy levels and hence perfect laser.
Sadly at room temperature the dominant process is non-radiative recombination named Auger recombination process which is thermally activated. this process is a major source of loss as the photon from de-excited electron is given to a third carrier which is turn excited further into higher level or vacuum. at room temperature radiative recombination could account to approx 6 percent of all threshold current. the rest is to just counter the effect of Auger at room temperature in devices i worked on.
Pressure measurement involves squeezing the device in high pressure about 10kbar, this is equivalent of standing five grown African Elephants on a 1 cm square area. this allows one to change the interatomic spacing between the atoms in the crystal lattice. In doing so the band gap changes as you increase pressure the band gap is increased in most four-five semiconductor devices.
more information can be found in my paper published by American Physics Letters (APL) in October 2010 title of the paper is Efficiency Limiting Processes in 1.55 micron InAs/InP-Based Quantum Dots Lasers.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
The Promises of Quantum Dot Lasers

In 1982 Prof Arakawa and Prof Sakaki proposed that due to confinement nature of quantum dots, devices that will be made using them should be temperature insensitive.
Many researchers have tried to harness the power of 3D electron confinement but met with promising results using different techniques. The prediction that the devices will have low threshold current densities have yet to be proved. Temperature insensitivity comes with high threshold current densities and highly doped devices.
For undoped(Intrinsic) semiconductor devices temperature insensitivity and low threhold currents have not been materialised. The biggest obstacle in my view could be associateed with the fabrication process of these devices. Stranski-Krastanov method produce inhommogeneous dots and a wetting layer which could act as source of non-radiative recombinations centers.
Calculations still show if we can create a perfect quantum dot we should have a perfect LASER that will have both low threshold current densities and temperature insensitive.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
The Effect of Anti-reflection coating on LASER facet

For Buried Heterostructure(BH) Quantum Well LASER fabricated on Indium Phosphide (InP) substrate the effective refractive index is about 3.48 from Fabry-Perot (FP) Measurement i had performed earlier. The as cleaved mirrors on this type of lasers has reflectivity of about 0.3 which was confirmed from the calculations using data obtained from FP measurements.
To reduce the reflectivity of the facet, anti-reflection coating was sputtered on the facet using Nordiko 2000 physical vapour deposition (PVD) machine.The devices used were 1mm long edge emmiting LASERS lasing wavelength at 1550nm. The results showed the improvement of external quantum differential efficiency. This allows the determination of internal losses on the device.
These are exciting results which can be used to measure internal losses and determine internal quantum differential efficiency as function of change in reflectivity of as cleaved facets. (I am expecting to write a paper on gain measurements on these devices using this technique am developing).
You can read my paper published on IEEE, titled Thermal Performance of 1.55Ī¼m InGaAlAs Quantum Well Buried Heterostructure Lasers which talks about efficiencies and losses of these devices.
Friday, 21 January 2011
Bands of Influence Theory Part 3
The famous Inverse Square Law allows us to know why the object is occupying the certain point in space and time (even though not precisely according to Heinseberg Uncertainty Principle) relative to another object but does not give us reason why one object can hold many other objects in different orbits like our sun and the planets.
We know that space is mysterious but it has a dimension of which can be observed by the effect has on light (Space can bend light) or the effect of planetary bodies as they pass closer to each other. I like to think about the space as a calm pond and planets and stars are like balls of different sizes floating on their heavenly journey, they disturb the calmness of the water and create waves.
So each of the bodies in the water will create a wave according to their size and these waves interact at some point in space and time. The points of interaction is where the Bands of Influences are formed. The interaction of these waves act as a path connecting all of these bodies together.
This is my theory of the bands of influences. It applies also to the configuration of atoms in the crystal, electrons in the atoms, planets on solar system, galaxies in the universe.
one example of these bands of influences is the influence of moon on earth tidal wave system. In my view these bands explain why planets like Jupiter can host 63 moons and planets like Saturn can have rings around it. It would not suprise me if the earth would have a second moon somewhere in one of its bands of influence.
One characteristics of these bands is that the bigger the object the more the effect of their influence on other objects.
More to come...Any questions so far don't hesitate to ask?
We know that space is mysterious but it has a dimension of which can be observed by the effect has on light (Space can bend light) or the effect of planetary bodies as they pass closer to each other. I like to think about the space as a calm pond and planets and stars are like balls of different sizes floating on their heavenly journey, they disturb the calmness of the water and create waves.
So each of the bodies in the water will create a wave according to their size and these waves interact at some point in space and time. The points of interaction is where the Bands of Influences are formed. The interaction of these waves act as a path connecting all of these bodies together.
This is my theory of the bands of influences. It applies also to the configuration of atoms in the crystal, electrons in the atoms, planets on solar system, galaxies in the universe.
one example of these bands of influences is the influence of moon on earth tidal wave system. In my view these bands explain why planets like Jupiter can host 63 moons and planets like Saturn can have rings around it. It would not suprise me if the earth would have a second moon somewhere in one of its bands of influence.
One characteristics of these bands is that the bigger the object the more the effect of their influence on other objects.
More to come...Any questions so far don't hesitate to ask?
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Band of Influence theory Part 2
So after categorising objects as Fermions or Bosons, this give a rise to question why is it objects have to be either of the two? The idea that laws of nature choose whether you become a Fermion or a Boson can not be far from truth.
On observations from the tiny electron going around a nucleus to the star like our sun and its planets going around it to our planet and its moon. Everything is connected in one way or another and the vast expanses of universe are also connected. This allows me to say there is a connection from the tiniest of atoms and their contents to the biggest objects in the universe to the universe itself and if there are other universes then all are connected.
The big question is how? My answer is connection through the bands of influences(energy). if we look at the atom we know that electrons occupy a certain (precise) energy levels and there are several bands of these energies. We can observe these bands more clearly when we create a quantum box (quantum well) where we can see that electrons will contain certain energy levels (using solutions to Shrodinger's equations) and there is a band of energy that these electrons will not dare to settle.. So Why can't they occupy anywhere they want?
if we go look at the solar system we see that planets have to orbit on well defined paths of which are critical to their presence. We all know about gravity and there are mathematical formula to describe that relationship between the sun and the planets. so the question again is why can't earth occupy any other path than this orbit.
Trivial example is why you(if you are Male) won't like it when another male come closer to your face (if you are fermion)..and that you need a personal space..where you feel comfortable for others to have heard of space invaders is not for nothing it is all physics...just think about it..
This will continue next time...
On observations from the tiny electron going around a nucleus to the star like our sun and its planets going around it to our planet and its moon. Everything is connected in one way or another and the vast expanses of universe are also connected. This allows me to say there is a connection from the tiniest of atoms and their contents to the biggest objects in the universe to the universe itself and if there are other universes then all are connected.
The big question is how? My answer is connection through the bands of influences(energy). if we look at the atom we know that electrons occupy a certain (precise) energy levels and there are several bands of these energies. We can observe these bands more clearly when we create a quantum box (quantum well) where we can see that electrons will contain certain energy levels (using solutions to Shrodinger's equations) and there is a band of energy that these electrons will not dare to settle.. So Why can't they occupy anywhere they want?
if we go look at the solar system we see that planets have to orbit on well defined paths of which are critical to their presence. We all know about gravity and there are mathematical formula to describe that relationship between the sun and the planets. so the question again is why can't earth occupy any other path than this orbit.
Trivial example is why you(if you are Male) won't like it when another male come closer to your face (if you are fermion)..and that you need a personal space..where you feel comfortable for others to have heard of space invaders is not for nothing it is all physics...just think about it..
This will continue next time...
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Bands of Influence Theory according to Me
First of all i would like to start with background information..I categorise objects as either Fermions or Bosons. Fermions are all those objects that obey Pauli Exclusion Rule and Bosons are those which obey Einstein-Bose Statistics. Basically Fermions pair up only when there is a spin difference and Bosons just like each other and are not fussy in occupying same state.
The question is why do objects fall into those category types?
The question is why do objects fall into those category types?
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Finally after lots of huffs and puffs i have managed to coat few devices with Anti-reflection coating (silicon dioxide). Results from L-I measurements show some effects of the coating.
As the coating lowers reflectivity of the mirror facet, we expect the external differential efficiency to increase (this is interesting because one would expect other way round). Finally i can enjoy the SEM image showing the coating onto the facet of the edge emitting LASER.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
New Sample Holder Design
Frustrations can arise when you try and try to make something to work. Yes i have finally designed a clip that will make my life easier. I have devices which are 1mm long so it was tricky to hold them so that their 0.35mm facet can be coated. it is simplest but does the job with minimum annoyances. PhD is not all hanky-dory thats why when you hear African government leaders with fake doctor-hood from fake institute it tripple pisses you off.
There is alot of emotions involved in research there are days where you wonder whether you are in the right course or you made a right choice and other days where you feel like you reached heaven.
There is alot of emotions involved in research there are days where you wonder whether you are in the right course or you made a right choice and other days where you feel like you reached heaven.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
A week on Clean Room

Adorned in full body gear to rid of all falling particles like a surgeon ready to perform a complex procedure. The week spent in clean room was worth the hassle. i am now an expert in operating the Nordiko 2000 Physical Vapour Deposition machine. this ex-industry machine can be used to deposit thin layers of materials onto substrate placed above the target chamber where target materials are turned into plasma by application of RF power on a high vacuum chamber.
Dealing with laser devices of 1mm length and try to coat their facet which are about 350 micron wide is not trivial matter. I am hoping to perfect the technique in the coming weeks.
I have mapped the deposition area using 6 inch silicon wafer. Using Ellipsometer i measured the wafer after an hour of exposure and the rate of deposition is 3.3 nanometer per minute. This information is crucial for better results in future operations.
Conference at Sheffield UK SEMICON
I have attended this conference for two years in a row. A lot of interesting research results have been presented. It was my first platform to ever present my work at a scientific audience. Semiconductor devices have many applications from communication to medical and environment to military.
Remote sensing of dangerous particle polutant in the air, water and soil. each particle have a unique signature in absorption spectrum which enables us to identify it.
Long distance communication by using optical fiber enables us to send huge amount of data at low loss of signals at the special communication windows 1.33 micron where dispersion of glass fiber is minimal and 1.55 micron wavelength where signal loss is minimum due to minimum absorption of light.
Remote sensing of dangerous particle polutant in the air, water and soil. each particle have a unique signature in absorption spectrum which enables us to identify it.
Long distance communication by using optical fiber enables us to send huge amount of data at low loss of signals at the special communication windows 1.33 micron where dispersion of glass fiber is minimal and 1.55 micron wavelength where signal loss is minimum due to minimum absorption of light.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Hakki-Paoli Method to Measure Laser Gain
Hakki-Paoli Method is a common method to measure semiconductor laser gain in Fabry-Perot Cavities. This method estimates the gain by the depth of the modulations in the Amplified Emission Spectra(ASE) caused by the Fabry-PĆ©rot resonances of the laser cavity below threshold. One factor affecting such measurement is the dependence on the Optical Spectrum Analyser (OSA) resolution to fully resolve the modes.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Why Sputtering Silicon Oxide on InP based device?
Previously i wrote about my efforts to deposit a thin layer of silicon dioxide on a laser device. The aim was to create an anti-reflection coating that will enable me to measure the gain of the laser device using a single pass method on segmented device.
The thickness of the coating will depend on effective refractive index of the device and other factors. The objective is to create quarter wavelength layer to prevent reflection of light in the cavity.
This gain measurement method is different from Hakki-Paoli Method. This method was pioneered by Prof. Smowton and Prof. Blood, where the device is divided into equal segments with longer absober segment on one end. When this segments are pumped separately can provide a way to measure absorption of the active medium and hence we can calculate modal gain. With this information we can gain knowledge on how to improve the device performance..that is the MAIN GOAL..
The thickness of the coating will depend on effective refractive index of the device and other factors. The objective is to create quarter wavelength layer to prevent reflection of light in the cavity.
This gain measurement method is different from Hakki-Paoli Method. This method was pioneered by Prof. Smowton and Prof. Blood, where the device is divided into equal segments with longer absober segment on one end. When this segments are pumped separately can provide a way to measure absorption of the active medium and hence we can calculate modal gain. With this information we can gain knowledge on how to improve the device performance..that is the MAIN GOAL..
Laser Physics at Glance

Laser is an acronymn which stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation. There are so many types of lasers ranging from gas lasers to semiconductor lasers. All use the same physics to achieve their intended functions. Lasers can be used to correct eye defects, but also Lasers can be used to cut diamond the hardest material on earth. Lasers are used in industries to cut metal like knife cuts butter. The most amazing thing is that they all use LIGHT.
How does Light become such formidable force? The answer lies on the properties of light. As i Have mentioned in earlier posting light travels with different wavelengths. From the light you can see to the invisible light (Infrared). These wavelength are directly connected to their energy. The smaller the wavelength the powerful it is. This is to say red light is less powerful than Orange light and orange light is less powerful than green light which is less powerful than blue light. I think you get the picture that when wavelength is getting smaller its energy increases linearly.
one can use this equation that Energy in eV is equal to 1240/wavelength in nanometres. The 1240 figure is from simplification of an equation containing mainly constants Plancks, Speed of light and etcs. This fact is used in your DVD technology since you can write and read using light. if you had a disc player it used red laser, you upgraded to DVD which uses green lasers meaning more information can be written and read by the laser.
Now Blue Ray uses blue lasers which has smaller wavelength compared to the previous technologies and hence can write more information on the same disc and also read it. If Ultra violet laser comes along Blue Ray will be obsolete too just like the VHS.
Next how does Semiconductor laser works? It should be fun and amazing at the same time.....
Monday, 10 January 2011
Wonders of Light Part 4

We can use light to communicate and also we can use the light to generate power. I am talking about Solar power. The light is powerful we can manipulate that power to generate electricity using solar panels. Solar panels are using the fact that light particle or a PHOTON can excite an electron from its ground state to upper state which is excited state. We know that electricity is simply the movement of electrons.
So if a photon can knock out electron forcing it to move to another state we have generated electricity. By using solid state physics we know that if we make a P-N junction using Silicon (sand) we can achieve that. We will let the photon to force the electrons in the junction and we will collect those electrons on the other side and that is electricity generation.
But solar power is not that powerful i hear you say!! Silicon based solar panels are not efficient. The Light spectrum is huge and silicon cover a tiny amount of that spectrum. It is all about how much the material can absorb that light. So new material with larger spectra range of absorption are being investigated to improve the solar capture.
Hopefully in the near future we can harvest the majority of solar light we will solve all our Energy problems....
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Wonders of Light Part 3
The mighty sun is our close source of light, if it goes we go..scary isn't it. There are about 200 billions suns in our galaxy alone, that is almost to say there as many suns as the sand in the desert. the numbers are just humongous and that should give you a reflection on your daily life. Unfortunately or fortunately the distance between us and other SUN bodies are hundrend thousands, some millions, and some billions of light years away. Only light can travel that distance.
Knowing that fact is enough to send a chill down my spine. if our sun can swallow million earth size bodies and out there there are sun that are so humongous that they can swallow million bodies of our sun size. And if you think that is big there are even bigger objects in the universe.
To travel at the speed of light you have to be massless otherwise the equation E=mc2 will hold you back. Why? because for every kg will need astronomical amount of energy that does not exist. So it is wishful thinking about travelling at the speed of light.
so here i use the word PHOTON to mean a quanta of light.. in plain english a particle of light with well defined energy.
Knowing that fact is enough to send a chill down my spine. if our sun can swallow million earth size bodies and out there there are sun that are so humongous that they can swallow million bodies of our sun size. And if you think that is big there are even bigger objects in the universe.
To travel at the speed of light you have to be massless otherwise the equation E=mc2 will hold you back. Why? because for every kg will need astronomical amount of energy that does not exist. So it is wishful thinking about travelling at the speed of light.
so here i use the word PHOTON to mean a quanta of light.. in plain english a particle of light with well defined energy.
Wonders of Light Part 2

So we know a white light is made of countless number of individual lights of different wavelength. the difference in wavelength is the one that give the RAINBOW its colour. Isn't that AMAZING!!, if you think is not then i don't know what could be more amazing.
This what Isaac Newton saw and by using a prism he was able to create his own rainbow..I tell you people of that time were mesmerized. He went on to write alot about light how it was reflected and refracted. Einstein was also fascinated by light and his work on light gave us these modern technologies we have today.
Typically we use wires to transmit data information and radio waves. The problem is wires have a finite bandwidth and can only travel at the speed of propagating electrons. You may say but electrons are faster..the answer is yes but look at the medium it is travelling in..copper wire act as a resistor to the electrons and hence slow them down and data deteriorate along a short distance compared to light travelling on a fiber optic cable.
The light has huge bandwidth meaning many information bundles can be crammed into a fiber. So we create a light source which is coherent (LASER) and use a modulator and start chucking those 101001010100101010101 onto fiber optic cable from USA to Kawe Kinondoni at the speed of how fast we can modulate the light. hahaha you say to the internet cafe attendant, "net today is much faster". The guy is sweating vigorously and i wont say what he is watching on the net..
The wonders of the Light

Light has been the most fascinating entity in my life. Without light there would have been no significant life. Am saying this because light is the source of energy that advanced living things use to process their material needs.
Light is the only fastest entity in the universe. It travels for billions, trillions of miles until we run out numbers and hence we say some distance should be measured using the amount of distance travelled by light over the period of one year. A light year this is huge number. if the light from the sun takes about 8 minutes to reach earth, and you know the distance between the earth and the sun is about 100 million miles (it is not fixed due to the shape of the orbit). Just imagine the distance of one light year!! (you can do the maths).
What is more fascinating is how we can use light for communications.. thats is what am doing it is mind bongling when you open your laptop or desktop and Voiler the pictures appear before your eyes. Using fiber optic cables we can connect the world and you won't need to wait the downloading bar will be a thing of the past. You click and it appears.
Question is how do we do that? Light is made of many individual lights of different wavelength. When you see a rainbow it is the white light broken into its individual components..RED, YELLOW, BLUE beautiful scenery indeed. and that is one of the wonders of light.
More will be coming let me put my device on the probe station I am measuring light output versus injected carriers.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Big Bang Theory or Theories

Billions of years ago, the universe was no more than one entity of singularity. Then KABOOOOOOOOOM it exploded into smitherinies according to some big bang theory... anyway who am i to say it did not happen when all Astro-Physics evidence shows it happen that way. I agree with some difficult questions that gives me headache every time i think about plausible explanations.
Soon after the big KABOOOOOOOOM single atoms of hydrogen started forming and the force of the explosion proppelled these gaseous atoms in all directions. Some kind of force (some suggested that it is the gravity) forced these atoms to aggregate and the process is known as accretion. (I think is another type of phenomenon and not gravity, at this point gravity was almost insignificant to pull atoms together)
These atoms kept on assembling and the "force" kept on forcing them closer together until nuclear fusion started to take place. from single hydrogen atoms everything formed. hydrogen fused and make more heavier atoms and heavier they became the bigger the object grew until it became a huge star a nuclear fusion reactor...
Then when the STAR goes Kaboooom tooo thats when the remnants form another star much smaller that previous and planets start forming from the left over materials. As time goes by these planets inhabit special orbits around the SUN which is the star and if the planet reaches a certain weight it too can force the left overs to form moon or moons that will be orbiting the planet.
I once suggested the existence of "bands of influence" on every object in this universe. One can observe this by looking at the influence of moon on earth and the influence of other bigger planets on small planets.
I am intending to explain my theory of the "bands of influence" in more details in the near future. Going back to KABOOM theory those particles from the explosions are the materials that made you and me and everything you see or not see. So you and I are part of the old hydrogen atoms that made the star. Thats why your body is made of Hydrogen, Carbon, Iron, Copper, some traces of Gold, Zinc, Calcium, and everything you don't know.....
A question to you..why sphere is the favourite shape in the universe?
Photon10 Conference in Southampton, UK

This was most interesting conference at last i had a chance to meet the greats in the world of intellectuals who pioneered semiconductor technologies. From theoreticians to fabricators to those who analyse ever complex world of quantum physics. I met Prof. P. Blood who is one of the giants i found out he was a friend to my Profs Profs, Prof. Adams who is in the list of 10 most influencial brits. He suggested the use of strain in semiconductor devices to improve their performance in 1980s which led to billion pound industry.
Yes Blood was a critic on my findings of characteristic features of Quantum dot lasers. "Using High hydrostatic pressure i am able to alter the atomic spacing in the crystal lattice" i said. In doing so am able to change the effective band gap of the device and hence change its operation parameters which in turn gives me an insight of what is really going on in the LASER device.
After my presentation he was happy and was looking forward to my paper that will be published by APL Journal. Anyway the paper was published two month is called "Efficiency Limiting Processes in 1.55 micron InAs/InP-Based Quantum Dots Lasers". You can google it!!!
My aim is create Temperature insensitive laser device that can be used in long transmission optical communication systems.. what i am doing in simple english is create a laser that will not be affected by changes in temperature for systems like SEACOM fiber. the SEACOM fiber depend on whole load of lasers and modulators to send data that you see on your computer screen faster.
Why are we going NANO?

Nano technology is the new envelop pusher for the existing advanced technologies. BASICALLY it is a technology that utilise the dimensions of individual atoms. its potentials are endless most are very useful and some very dangerous indeed. Applications ranging from medical to weaponry.
Yeah i vividly remember when i put on a graduation gown and the emcee called out my name for me to proceed and receive my degree certificate in Nanotechnology from the Chancellor who initiated as small talk as to what i was going to do with this knowledge, it downed on me that where I am from even the word NANO does not exist.
The technology that has led billions of dollars being invested by super rich countries seems to be invisible as it its nature suggest to African Universities i spare my thought on our political nearndathals.
This technology will make African produce obsolete as raw material. This technology which revolutionise the global trades and make poor countries even poorer has not registered in the mind of most third world intellectuals.
What am saying is instead of developed countries buying 100kg of cotton using NANOTECHNOLOGY they will only need 1kg. So the question is poor people of the world what are you going to do with 99Kg of your back breaking labour when you have not grasped the current manual technology?
Am sure you will be asking so what did you do.....I TRIED yes i tried to arrange some way for me to give a talk in one of the "prominent" university in east africa (UDSM) but they never hopefully someone will read this and spread the word that we should fully engage ourselves in new technologies to know their impact on our very life and the lives of our future generations......
Friday, 7 January 2011
IPRM Conference in Kagawa, Japan 2010

This conference was a highlight of 2010 for my PhD studies. Woke up early in the morning to catch a plane from Heathrow to Dubai (DXB) before boarding at early hours of morning for Narita Airport in was looooong journey on the plane, reaching Japan in the evening mind you if travel from west to east you kinda lose a day along the way. Soon after touch down and take care of Immigration issues, boarded a train to a hotel nearby at Narita City center.
The next morning boarded a train to Tokyo Train station for my booking with Bullet Train (Shinkassen), from Tokyo to Okayama, about six hours which means travelling the length of the country..I should have booked for Kansai City Airport in Osaka, anyway i wanted to see the country since i had a day before the conference.
So i stayed awake with huge jetlag hanging over my head. I admired the smooth ride in a world fastest train reaching speeds that will make Jumbo Jet fly away. Stopped ocassionally along the way, Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, to Okayama. The luck on my side did not wait long for a train "Mariner" that goes to Kagawa through some islands in the sea of Japan. Railroad on bridges with longest of spans, mind you it give you a thought of how much people laboured to put every bolt and a nut to hold this humongous structure. I came to a conclusion "smallest of living make the hugest of things".
Sunday passed as quickly as it came. On monday morning i had a presentation in the world stage. Room full of knowledgeable people (Professors and Doctors and PhD students) from all over the world sitting quitely listening to world novel research findings on Photonics. When my slot came, I climbed up the stage and presented my recent results on Quantum dot lasers operating at 1500nm wavelength grown on (100) facet of InP substrate. The Question came went and after final clapping had dissipated from the room i went to prepare for my next presentation that was on a poster. This was on Quantum well devices also operating at this 1500nm wavelength.

Days quickly passed and had time to travel to Osaka and stayed there for few days at Monterey Grasmere hotel in Osaka city center. The only negative about this trip was the food.. Plenty to eat if you don't have religious restriction..But God showed me a buffet restaurant at Osaka Port, the only problem was it Osaka Port was about three train changes from the hotel.
I had a two weeks Bullet Train Travel ticket so i went everywhere. Trip to Hiroshima was well worth it..I will never forget the bowl of rice and fish at Hiroshima Mall.
One thing i noticed, Apart from me I spotted two other africans in the whole conference..and none was representing African University or a african company..It is sad but true.
Why did I end up doing Quantum physics

It is a very long story, but in short i found a knowledge that makes sense of it all. The world and its contents, the universe and its wonders. basically the knowledge that tells you that our daily scrubblings are of least significant like the way you see a grain of sand in the desert. it is all about "WAVES", whether its oceanic waves or radio waves, microwaves, electro-magnetic waves, visible light waves, invisible light waves, X-ray waves, Gamma waves and whatever you call them and those other waves that we don't even know about. Your life is all about waves from the very atom that made the molecule that made the cell of your body to the car, house, computer and everything that you use or don't use.
Yeah why am i doing this while i know that i can not get work back in Africa, and here am saying Africa because to me Tanzania is no different to Kenya or any other African countries on their attitude to knowledge especially the one that they can not associate with huge amount of money. This is massive in terms of money for people of knowledge..I am doing it because i want to be selfish. Selfish in coming home and propagate the knowledge whether it be single or many handed.. because we are using it in our daily lives, if you use your mobile phone you are using quantum physics, when you surf on the net you are using it. therefore there is alot of money associated with it..if you have eyes to see greens from political blues.
Anti-reflection Coating using Nordiko 2000

Today, i tried to coat my laser devices with a thin layer of anti-reflection coating made of silicon dioxide..well the machine to do the job is called Nordiko 2000, physical vapour deposition. it is a big machine with pumps to create both low pressure and high vacuum needed for deposition of the material. when RF power is increased you can see a glow of plasma...WOOOOOOOOOOW. Plasma is a "fourth state of matter", where you have gas atoms stripped of their electrons. (this is what make your Plasma TV to work)...anyway after creating a plasma composed of mixture of Argon and Oxygen, that will evaporate your target material in my case silicon dioxide. then when the sample chamber is placed on top of this plasma, a thin layer of silicon dioxide is deposited at the rate of 3nm (nano metre) per minutes...which means an hour for me to wait for my calculated thickness to be achieved..oh there is a computer screen which is like a dino for its age..the menu is user friendly if you have Einstein need to make sure RF power is applied gradually and reflection is kept minimum and your efficient values are higher.
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